Customs law
- Participation in field or desk documentary inspection, providing explanations, contesting actions of customs officials, inspection conclusions and tax notices, legal protection when drawing up a protocol of violation of customs rules.
- Carrying out classification of the goods according to UKT ZED with possible verification of the established codes against classification decisions of the State Customs Service and/or classification decisions of the European Union. Preparing the request and documents to customs authority and support thereof to obtain a preliminary classification decision.
- Development of contractual customs documentation for import/export of large infrastructure facilities; preparing and sending the request to customs authority for granting a permit to use simplified concept “Complete facility” and legal support of such request until proper result is obtained.
- Development of the contract, annexes and customs documentation for obtaining the permission from customs authority to apply the customs mode Processing in the customs territory/Processing outside the customs territory and legal support of obtaining relevant permit.
- Legal analysis of trade transaction and documents to establish the completeness and correctness of the calculation of customs value and to identify risks while declaring customs value. Legal support of customs clearance – control over compliance with the law by customs authority, providing responses, explanations, demands, challenging customs actions and decisions in administrative and judicial proceeding.
- rompt legal support during customs inspections, client representation during documentary inspections by customs authority and direct participation in communications with representatives of supervisory authority
- Checking the company’s readiness for documentary verification of compliance with the laws of Ukraine on customs matters, including timeliness, reliability, completeness of charging and payment of customs duties.
- Provision of legal expertise concerning legal perspective of judicial/administrative proceedings for the detected violation.
- Consulting and legal support of the procedure for preparing and obtaining a special simplification and the status of an Authorized Economic Operator.
- Full legal support and protection of client’s interests during the administrative appeal procedure.
- Registration of intellectual property rights in the customs register.
- Legal support of cases related to violation of intellectual property rights during movement of the goods across customs border of Ukraine.
- Preparing draft corporate policies and manuals on the interaction with customs authorities.
- Analysis of the company’s business processes and providing conclusions on optimization of the use of customs modes to reduce costs and improve the efficiency of cross-border trade.
- Conducting personalized trainings and education for the company’s personnel on the issues of interaction with customs authorities
- Consultations on practical issues of applying preferential and special customs modes
Contact us, our specialists will quickly and professionally solve your problems.
Key experts
Herman Taslitskyi
Lawyer, Customs Expert, Managing Partner of Delta International Services
Robert Zeldi
Lawyer, Customs Expert, Partner of Delta International Law
Oleh Shcherbak
Lawyer, Customs Expert